Price list

banner side

Room type
Capacity Number of occupants Price per occupant
4.1.- 31.3. 1.4.- 9.6. 10.6.- 30.9.
1.11.- 21.12. 1.10.- 31.10. 22.12.- 3.1.
2 beds I 2 2 450 CZK 460 CZK 470 CZK
1 900 CZK 920 CZK 940 CZK
2 beds II 2 2 420 CZK 430 CZK 440 CZK
1 840 CZK 860 CZK 880 CZK
3 beds
3 3 400 CZK 410 CZK 430 CZK
2 550 CZK 560 CZK 620 CZK
1 1100 CZK 1120 CZK 1240 CZK
4 beds
4 4 400 CZK 400 CZK 420 CZK
3 500 CZK 500 CZK 530 CZK
2 700 CZK 700 CZK 750 CZK
1 1400 CZK 1400 CZK 1500 CZK
6 beds
6 6 400 CZK 400 CZK 400 CZK
5 420 CZK 420 CZK 440 CZK
4 480 CZK 480 CZK 500 CZK
3 600 CZK 600 CZK 630 CZK
2 850 CZK 850 CZK 900 CZK
1 1700 CZK 1700 CZK 1800 CZK

The price does not include the fee for the stay 50 CZK per person/night.

The price may be different when booking through an intermediary.

5% discount for regular guests (for accommodation for at least two days).

Dog/cat: 180 CZK/day (bed, bowl)